Our Mission
Vermont Educational Opportunity Programs is a professional organization actively working to ensure equal access to and success in post-secondary education for Vermont and Northern New York students. Our students are often the first-generation in their families to attend college, are from low- to moderate-income families, are underrepresented, or are individuals with disabilities.
The purpose of the Association shall be to bring together those persons who are involved in programs that provide student access and success in education at all levels, with the ultimate goal being the completion of a program of postsecondary education. The Association shall be particularly concerned with those students who, because of socioeconomic status, ethnic background, physical challenges and other obstacles to achieving their academic potential, find themselves in a position of disadvantage as compared to traditional students. VEOP will be responsible to these TRIO and GEAR UP students from across Vermont and Northern New York with the goal of increasing educational opportunities to increase their chances of completing a post-secondary degree.
VEOP will be the voice for educational opportunity for low-income individuals, first-generation college students and persons with disabilities. This vision will be pursued through professional learning opportunities, leadership and advocacy activities, alumni development and financial capitol that directly impact student opportunity.
President (P), Past President (PP), President - Elect (PE) Secretary (S), Treasurer (T), State Liaison (SI), Director Liaison (DL), Advocacy (PA), and Alumni (A)